Over the last 3 months GMAA Group has partnered with the Northern Nevada Literacy Council (NNLC) to train, Lourdes, one of the NNLC’s students who was interested in pursuing a future in graphic design. During her time with us she has gained a better understanding about how the graphic design industry works and helped to build her design skills.
The Learn and Earn Program connects students between ages of 18 and 24 who currently live in a low-income household students with businesses. Through this program students are able to work in their desired field building, their talent and opening future opportunities for career training for full-time employment.

About Northern Nevada Literacy Council

The Northern Nevada Literacy Council (NNLC) provides free classes to adults who want to complete their Certificate of High School Equivalency (HSE, formerly known as the GED), as well as free English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, and free Citizenship classes to foreign-born adults.

Last year, 122 NNLC students graduated with their HSE certificates! NNLC exceeds the state by students who enter and retain employment. NNLC also exceeds the state almost three times by how many students transitioned into postsecondary education or training by 100%.